Workout 2 of the Week: Get Lean with Popcorn <25 minutes

This workout should get your heart racing and by the end you should feel like you kicked your own butt. Keep the intensity up!  Go for 4-6 rounds, resting 45 seconds to 90 seconds after each one.  Aim to get this in 2-3 times this week, alternating with a Strong workout for a total of 4-5 exercise days. 

Warm up 


10-15 back lunges ( 1 per on each side = 1 rep)

8-12 push ups

20 popcorns

10-12 squat thrusts

15-20 kettle bell swings

30s-90s plank

Workout of the Week 1: Get Strong with Jump Squats

This a 2 part workout. Go hard for the first part and slow and steady on the second. The whole thing should take about 25 minutes including a warm up. Aim to get this in 3-4 times this week, alternating with a Lean workout for a total of 3-5 exercise days  and you’ll be feeling good! 

Warm Up

Part 1

Go through this as quickly as you can 3 times (if you’ve got more time or the inclination do 4 or 5). Note to self: if you can easily do more reps in the last round you should increase the weight you are using  or up your intensity. 

10-12 Split Squats

10-12 Chest Presses (from floor)

20 Jump Squats

10-12 Renegades (must do one on each side for a count of 1)

12-15 Triceps Dips

20 Jump Squats


Part 2

Move slowly here, slower is better…. Go through these 3-4 times 

20-25  Bicycles

12-15 Bird dogs

Workout of the Week: Get Lean It’s a ZOO! Reptiles and Dancing Crabs! <20 minutes

Here this weeks Get Lean workout it’s great for getting a a sculpted rear and lean legs!

Jump Squats

Dancing Crab

Skater Lunge


Do 8 rounds of 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest for each move.

For examples

Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds
Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds
Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds
Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds

Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds

Got It?

Enjoy! And feel GREAT that are you doing something AMAZING For your body. You’ll get healthier stronger and leaner!!! WOO HOO I know I could use all 3.

Act Fit, Eat Smart, Be Amazing

Get Fit Fit: Prison Squat with Front Kick

Here’s this week’s Get Fit Fit, time to get up off your duff and MOVE!!!!

Squat as deep as you comfortably can (and no deeper), note this does not mean get lazy and poop out at the end… it just means don’t push deeper than your body is ready to go.

Kick Front, breath out “HA!” on the kick (feeling a little bad ass are we?)

2 kicks= 1 rep. Do 10 reps at a time 5-6 times throughout the day.

What I did: 02/19/13

more before 8

There was no post for what I did yesterday… I really didn’t do anything. BUT today I did…and it was great. My heart rate was up, the sweat was pouring and I got that exercise high right after!  You know I feel better for putting in that 17 minutes of work today than I do from sleeping in 30 minutes yesterday…Gotta remind my self of that in the future.

Warmed Up (5 minutes)

10 Knee hugs

10 Toy Soldiers

10 Moon  the sky

10 Golf Swings

Hip Stretches


3 Rounds (12 Minutes)

15 Goblet Squats

15 Muppets

15 Back  Lunges

15 Pushups

15 Kb Swings (36lbs)


What I Did: 02/15/13

more before 8

Well, if you saw what I ate (or should I say drank) last night, no surprise I woke-up slightly dehydrated and moving a little slow but no less determined, after some water and a long and slow walk I was ready to move!

4 Rounds
12 Weighted Back Lunges (holding a 20lbs KB)
15 Push Ups
15 KB swings (36lbs KB)

Bonus Round: Hip stretches.. I am so tight its embarrassing