Talking To Myself


Over the holiday week between Christmas and New  Year’s I managed to work out 3 times. That might not seem like a huge victory, since I’m normally working out 3-5 times a week, but it was. I really had to up my mental game. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS CHILL WITH A WARM ADULT BEVERAGE IN HAND. But I knew, that if I only did that, I would not REALLY be happy because ignoring workouts AND not eating healthily would be leading away from where I want to go despite being where I wanted to be in the moment. So, in search of balanced holiday indulgence,  I got decadent with my food and beverages but maintained my workouts this wonderful holiday week. It wasn’t easy but I did it.

How did I do it? I talked, a lot, to myself.

Part of getting through anything tough, anything annoying, anything you just don’t want to do isn’t something anyone else can see or hear (unless like me, you do this aloud) is talking to yourself.  I do it all day actually, but getting conscious with it really helps me to get through the things I don’t want to do, especially working out.

When talking to myself, sometimes I’m in the camp of:

I can’t do this

That’s too heavy

I’ll never finish

I’m so slow what’s the point

Guess what, that sucks! This is the LAME camp.  It doesn’t make things any easier, it makes them worse. Clearly the task ahead of me is daunting or I wouldn’t be feeling the things that cause me to start talking myself out of the work.  BUT in most cases, I’m for some odd reason, trying to talk myself out of exactly what I need to do to stay on the path to the life I want. Also, I am not LAME. So saying lame things to myself is silly.  When I catch myself talking like  that I flip it around and get in the camp of a FINISHER of a DOER, in the camp of SELF LOVE.

I start to talk to myself like I am a part of the Badass Babe camp:

You got this

Let’s get it

Ready set go

Just a few more

You’re gonna be so amped when you’re finished

Finishing is winning, just start and go


And you know what, it helps me get through.  Plain and simple, when I say nice things to myself during a workout, the workout is better, more fun, even dare I say, easier?

This helps me when I have trouble finishing work projects, cleaning the house, or completing any other lackluster task I’m just not in the mood for. At the end of the day, starting and finishing a workout always feels better than never having worked out at all.  #wordsmatter




Afraid to workout? I was…


I was afriad, did it anyway and actually had fun!


I woke up today, looked online at the CrossFit workout of the day (WOD) and my stomach dropped.  I was afraid. It seemed too much, too intense, it was what looked to be about 40 minutes of balls to the wall metabolic conditioning, AKA the stuff I don’t like (lifting is my thing y’all) AKA the stuff I suck at AKA the stuff that is UBER difficult for me.   After first shaming myself then pumping myself up I finally rolled out of bed and into the gym.  I told myself “just finish” but the fear was still there. Coach said “go” and I started the first move. I finished in under 25 minutes AND had fun. It was a FUN workout.  There was nothing to be afraid of!

On the walk home, overheating in my coat and sweating in the winter air, I started to think about what I was afraid of. I mean really, WHAT WAS I AFRAID OF? It wasn’t hurting myself, all the moves were ones I know and am comfortable with. It wasn’t, not completing the WOD, I knew if I started I would finish, So what was it? I’ll tell you what, it was, my ego.  I was afraid, I would come in last, not only last but like WAY behind everyone else. I was afraid people would mock me as I flailed and flung myself from move to move, I was afraid people would judge because I would need to scale the moves. I was embarrassed I needed to scale the moves, I used to be SOOOO fit.  In other words, I almost skipped a workout for fear of what other people might think. Silly right? I mean I know the only way I’m going to get better is by being uncomfortable and pushing my limits. I know where I want to go and I am willing to put in the work to get there, even if it ain’t pretty. If folks can’t respect that I got ZERO FUCKS to give about them and their opinions.  I forgot that, got lost in my ego and took my eyes and mind off my goal. On that walk home I remembered and refocused. #postworkoutclairty  Not working out, hell not doing ANYTHING, because I’m worried about what someone else will think, is not who I am and it’s not how I’m going to get to where I want to go. #worryaboutmyself

AND you wanna know what the kicker is, the girl who finished last, killed it!!!! I watched her in awe as she pushed through, clearly uncomfortable, but taking herself to the next level. I watched her huff and puff to the last double- under and I was like, that is one badass boss lady. Changing for the better, isn’t easy, it is a challenge, getting to the next level is work and it’s worth it. I know I need to push myself out of my comfort zone to get to where I want to be and not let fears about failing hold me back from who I can be.  I momentarily forgot, now I remember.  #yougottawerk

Need Motivation? Find Your Game Changing Why

Shopping with mom abs.PNG

Shopping with my  Mom, just before I met my husband, where oh where have my abs gone? #relationshipweightisreal

When I find my motivation waning I go back to my “why”.  Sometimes it takes me a few days to notice I’m off track and check in with myself. Sometimes this might happen a few times a day, depending on how much “temptation” is at my door. But when I notice I’m not on track or when things start to feel too difficult or pointless I remind myself of my”why”. Why  am I fighting for fitness, going through all of this inconvenience and denying myself so much pleasure?!?!?!  Why am I not buying things when I REALLY REALLY WANT THEM and they would LOOK SO GOOD IN MY HOUSE?!?!?!?

Well, because I think there is something worth it on the other side. Something I am determined to get, something I KNOW is better than this current moment, something I know will FEEL better than the Old Fashioned and Louboutin’s calling my name. Something that can take my “I SHOULD” workout and save to an I WILL. Something takes that sacrifice and leaves me feeling good about what I didn’t do/get instead of feeling like I’m missing out. And that thing is my “WHY”.

A good WHY turns my SHOULD into WILL. A good WHY will take me from I should workout to I will work out or even I MUST workout.

Throughout my life that WHY has changed. Right now my fitness why is because I’ve got a honeymoon coming up. My financial why is because I’m in my 30s and I don’t own any property. These are strong motivators, I imagine walking the beaches of Croatia, turning heads in my Agent Provocatuer swimsuit (PS they’ll be on sale Jan-Mar), my husband all googly-eyed and have a visceral response, that scene motivates me to make good choices. I also picture myself house shopping, maybe buying a vacation property I can rent out for a return, or settling into my own place. Both are very exiting and tug at my heart strings.   Those visceral responses are important, they are what help me order the grilled chicken salad over the nachos and not ” feel bad” about “missing out”.  That response is what helps propel me out of the bed and into my workout or close the screen after I’ve filled my cart with things I don’t need on

A honeymoon is motivating for a few obvious reasons, but let me get a bit deeper. Sure vanity is part of it, let’s be real. BUT I also don’t want to lose myself, for a long time being fit was a part of who I was, of my self identity. Not that my abs were the identity,  but that I was strong and able to participate in any activity with confidence and always had the energy “to go” at work or at play. Being the fittest I can be “starting my new life”, having lots of energy, owning my identity and feeling like I can fully contribute (which is how I feel when I’m fit) means a lot to me.

If you have a goal but trouble finding a why that gives you a visceral response, a WHY that motivates you and takes your SHOULD TO WILL try the 5 Why’s question. Ask yourself WHY you want that goal, then ask why again, then ask  to why again… 5 times and see if that can lead your game-changing why.

Here’s an example:

Goal: 20lbs weight loss

Why:  Because I wanna look good

Why: Because I feel good when I look good

Why: Because my ability to be there for my daughter is better when I feel good

Why: Because I when I feel proud of myself I know it makes her feel proud

Why: Because I want her to be proud of me

Feel that? There you go, give it a try, what’s you game changing why?

To be sure it’s not always easy for me to remember my why in the heat of the moment BUT it definitely helps having one rolling around in the back of my head.

Workout 2 of the Week: Get Lean with Popcorn <25 minutes

This workout should get your heart racing and by the end you should feel like you kicked your own butt. Keep the intensity up!  Go for 4-6 rounds, resting 45 seconds to 90 seconds after each one.  Aim to get this in 2-3 times this week, alternating with a Strong workout for a total of 4-5 exercise days. 

Warm up 


10-15 back lunges ( 1 per on each side = 1 rep)

8-12 push ups

20 popcorns

10-12 squat thrusts

15-20 kettle bell swings

30s-90s plank

Workout of the Week 1: Get Strong with Jump Squats

This a 2 part workout. Go hard for the first part and slow and steady on the second. The whole thing should take about 25 minutes including a warm up. Aim to get this in 3-4 times this week, alternating with a Lean workout for a total of 3-5 exercise days  and you’ll be feeling good! 

Warm Up

Part 1

Go through this as quickly as you can 3 times (if you’ve got more time or the inclination do 4 or 5). Note to self: if you can easily do more reps in the last round you should increase the weight you are using  or up your intensity. 

10-12 Split Squats

10-12 Chest Presses (from floor)

20 Jump Squats

10-12 Renegades (must do one on each side for a count of 1)

12-15 Triceps Dips

20 Jump Squats


Part 2

Move slowly here, slower is better…. Go through these 3-4 times 

20-25  Bicycles

12-15 Bird dogs

Workout of the Week: Get Lean It’s a ZOO! Reptiles and Dancing Crabs! <20 minutes

Here this weeks Get Lean workout it’s great for getting a a sculpted rear and lean legs!

Jump Squats

Dancing Crab

Skater Lunge


Do 8 rounds of 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest for each move.

For examples

Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds
Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds
Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds
Jump Squat for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds

Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Dancing Crab for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds

Got It?

Enjoy! And feel GREAT that are you doing something AMAZING For your body. You’ll get healthier stronger and leaner!!! WOO HOO I know I could use all 3.

Act Fit, Eat Smart, Be Amazing

Get Fit Fit: Prison Squat with Front Kick

Here’s this week’s Get Fit Fit, time to get up off your duff and MOVE!!!!

Squat as deep as you comfortably can (and no deeper), note this does not mean get lazy and poop out at the end… it just means don’t push deeper than your body is ready to go.

Kick Front, breath out “HA!” on the kick (feeling a little bad ass are we?)

2 kicks= 1 rep. Do 10 reps at a time 5-6 times throughout the day.

Get Fit Fit: Reptiles Get it for 60 Seconds

We don’t always have the time to get in a 60 minute workout and that’s OK.  But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything. Even 60 seconds here and there can make a difference. That’s what Get Fit Fits are about, have a fit for 60 seconds, burn some calories and remind yourself you are in it to win it.

Here’s This Week’s move… feel free to make lizard noises while you work at it 🙂

Start out with 10 and work up to 15 reps.
Try to get it in a few (3-5) times per day.


Act Fit, Eat Smart, Be Amazing

Total Body Hotel Workout (dumbbells)


A stroll down the beach isn't the best "workout" but it's great to get the blood flowing and relieve stress.

A stroll down Manely Beach, Sydney isn’t the best “workout” but it’s great to get the blood flowing and relieve stress.

FourPoints Sydney Dumbbells Only


I did this workout at the FourPoints in Sydney. It’s a decent hotel but the gym is lacking, low ceiling, cardio heavy, dark, carpeted (so grody). They do however have a lovely set of dumbbells! (Don’t forget to warm-up)



15 Weighted split squats

15 3 Point Rows

15 Supermans



Lateral lunge (each side)

Scapular pushups



15 1 leg deadlift hops e/s

10 Explosive push ups

40 low squat jumps

45-90 second plank